Author: Ozzy Lister

New Projects

I’m taking a break from touring and as a result spending a lot more time in the workshop doing guitar repairs and setups. I’ve also been visiting the wonderful Jon Shuker in Derbyshire regularly where I’ve been building my own guitar (under Jon’s tutelage). I can’t recommend Jon’s guitar building course enough, his work is…

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Musicmaster Continued.

The frets are in and I’m currently working on the nut. Here are some photos of the progress I’ve made. Something that may interest other Fender owners was the fact that the neck had moved in the pocket causing the high E string to be dangerously close to the fingerboard edge. You can see on…

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It’s been slow going with this one as I’ve had a few other jobs to take care of but we’re getting there. Here you can see the board has been levelled, the fret slots cleaned out and the frets over bent and roughly cut to size. There has been some minor chipping of the fretboard…

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Ibanez Re-Fret

I’ve currently got this Ibanez on the bench for a re fret. I’m going to be using this blog to more regularly update what I’m working on and then use the Workshop section of the site to catalogue my passed guitar repair projects. I welcome any comments, hints or tips you may have on what…

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Repairing a Broken Headstock

This is probably the worst thing that can happen to any guitar, to be honest it’s probably harder on the guitarist but still it makes for a pretty gruesome picture. In this case the break wasn’t completely clean and a small peace of wood had broken loose, not visible on this image I’m afraid. The…

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Rich Tone

I’m going to be taking over the the repair department at Rich Tone Music Sheffield for the next few weeks starting today. Looking forward to seeing what surprises today has in store.

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